The Critical Thinking Book

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Chapter 12: The Realm of the Inductive II: Inductive Generalization and Inductive Instantiation

After Chapter 12: Section 2:
12.1 Videos Generalization (Statistical Sampling)

  • Statistics Learning Center lecture on sampling techniques
  • Statistics Learning Center lecture on variation and sampling error
  • Statistics Learning Center lecture on p values
  • Statistics Learning Center lecture on important statistical concepts
After Chapter 12: Section 3:
12.2 Videos Faulty Generalizations
12.3 Tutorial Identifying Faulty Generalizations 10 points
12.4 Quiz Identifying Faulty Generalizations Points = 20 x Percent Score
12.5 Tutorial Prima Facie Reasonable vs. Prima Facie Fallacious Generalization 10 points
12.6 Quiz Prima Facie Reasonable vs. Prima Facie Fallacious Generalization Points = 40 x Percent Score
After Chapter 12: Section 6:
12.7 Videos Faulty Instantiations

  • lecture on accident
12.8 Tutorial Identifying Faulty Instantiations 10 points
12.9 Quiz Identifying Faulty Instantiations Points = 20 x Percent Score
12.10 Tutorial Prima Facie Reasonable vs. Prima Facie Fallacious Instantiations 10 points
12.11 Quiz Prima Facie Reasonable vs. Prima Facie Fallacious Instantiations Points = 40 x Percent Score
After Chapter 12: Section 7:
12.12 Tutorial Distinguishing Composition, Division, Faulty Generalization and Faulty Instantiation 15 points
12.13 Quiz Distinguishing Composition, Division, Faulty Generalization and Faulty Instantiation Points = 30 x Percent Score
After Chapter 12: Section 9:
12.10 Tutorial Chapter 12 Concept Review 25 points