The Critical Thinking Book Support Website New Students: SIGN UP You must Sign Up and Log In to: - Take Quizzes - Get credit for Tutorials Existing Students: LOG IN Chapters: Chapter 1: Critical Thinking: Developing an Effective Worldview Chapter 2: Grasping Assertions Chapter 3: Understanding Questions Chapter 4: Identifying Single Arguments Chapter 5: Multiple Arguments, Cases, and Dialogues Chapter 6: Pitfalls of Language Chapter 7: Definition and Classification Chapter 8: Topical Relevance Chapter 9: The Realm of the Deductive I: Truth-Functional Logic Chapter 10: The Realm of the Deductive II: Class Logic Chapter 11: The Realm of the Inductive I: Observation, Memory, and Testimony Chapter 12: The Realm of the Inductive II: Inductive Generalization and Inductive Instantiation Chapter 13: The Realm of the Inductive III: Analogies Chapter 14: The Realm of the Inductive IV: Causal Inference Chapter 15: The Realm of the Inductive V: Explanation, Hypothesis, and Prediction Chapter 16: Decision Making: A General Model Chapter 17: Application I: Marketing and Consumer Choice Chapter 18: Application II: Political Propaganda and Democratic Choice Chapter 19: Application III: Science versus Pseudoscience