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Chapter 4: Identifying Single Arguments

After Chapter 4: Section 1:
4.1 Videos The Concept of an Argument

  • Fast Philosophy lecture on the concept of an argument
  • Online Philosophy lecture on the concept of an argument
  • Wireless Philosophy on the concept of argument
  • Prof. Tuggy on the concept of argument
After Chapter 4: Section 2:
4.2 Tutorial Identifying Conclusions (With Rhetorical Devices Only) 10 points
4.3 Quiz Identifying Conclusions (With Rhetorical Devices Only) Points = 20 x Percent Score
After Chapter 4: Section 3:
4.4 Tutorial Identifying Conclusions (With Rhetorical Devices and Expansion) 10 points
4.5 Quiz Identifying Conclusions (With Rhetorical Devices and Expansion) Points = 20 x Percent Score
After Chapter 4: Section 4:
4.6 Tutorial Identifying Enthymemes 10 points
4.7 Quiz Identifying Enthymemes Points = 20 x Percent Score
4.8 Tutorial Identifying Conclusions (With Rhetorical Devices, Expansion, and Compression) 15 points
4.9 Quiz Identifying Conclusions (With Rhetorical Devices, Expansion and Compression) Points = 30 x Percent Score
After Chapter 4: Section 5:
4.10 Videos Arguments Versus Non-Arguments

  • Prof. Sadler on arguments vs. non-arguments
  • Argument vs. mere assertion Monty Python’s skit on the argument clinic
4.11 Tutorial Arguments Versus Non-Arguments 10 points
4.12 Quiz Arguments Versus Non-Arguments Points = 20 x Percent Score
After Chapter 4: Section 6:
4.13 Tutorial Uses of Argument 10 points
4.14 Quiz Uses of Argument Points = 20 x Percent Score
After Chapter 4: Section 7:
4.15 Videos Deductive Versus Inductive

  • Wireless Philosophy on validity
  • Fast Philosophy on deductive vs. inductive arguments and deductive validity vs. deductive soundness
4.16 Videos Truth Versus Validity

  • Wireless Philosophy on truth vs. validity
  • Wireless Philosophy on soundness
4.17 Tutorial Valid Versus Strong Arguments 10 points
4.18 Quiz Valid Versus Strong Arguments Points = 20 x Percent Score
After Chapter 4: Section 8:
4.19 Tutorial Identifying Deductive Arguments 10 points
4.20 Quiz Identifying Deductive Arguments Points = 20 x Percent Score
After Chapter 4: Section 9:
4.21 Tutorial Identifying Inductive Argument Forms 10 points
4.22 Quiz Identifying Inductive Argument Forms Points = 20 x Percent Score
4.23 Tutorial Chapter 4 Concept Review 20 points