The Critical Thinking Book Support Website Student Resources Chapter 2: Grasping Assertions After Chapter 2: Section 1: 2.1 Videos On the Definition of “Statement” PurdueGMI lecture on propositions v. sentences 18:04 2.2 Tutorial Identifying Statements Expressed by Non-declarative Sentences 10 points 2.3 Quiz Identifying Statements Expressed by Non-declarative Sentences Points = 20 x Percent Score After Chapter 2: Section 2: 2.4 Videos On Simple and Compound Statements Mathispower4u: Truth tables for basic logical connectives 6:27 Mathispower4u: Conditional Statements 6:14 Mathispower4u: Biconditional Statements 4:17 Mathispower4u: Conditionals and Converses 7:45 2.5 Tutorial Identifying Simple and Compound Statements 20 points 2.6 Quiz Identifying Simple and Compound Statements Points = 40 x Percent Score After Chapter 2: Section 4: 2.7 Videos On Necessary and Contingent Statements Philosophy Tube on Necessary versus Contingent 1:03 on Necessary versus Contingent truths 1:34 Prof. Anadale on Necessary versus Contingent Truth 1:19 2.8 Tutorial Identifying Necessary and Contingent Statements 20 points 2.9 Quiz Identifying Necessary and Contingent Statements Points = 40 x Percent Score After Chapter 2: Section 5: 2.10 Videos On Factual and Evaluative Statements Wireless Philosophy on Factual versus Normative Claims 4:15 David Pakman on Normative and descriptive Claims 5:22 John Paulett on Descriptive versus Normative Ethics 3:25 2.11 Tutorial Identifying Factual and Evaluative Statements—Four Basic Patterns 20 points 2.12 Quiz Identifying Factual and Evaluative Statements—Four Basic Patterns Points = 40 x Percent Score 2.13 Tutorial Identifying Four Types of Aesthetic Statements 20 points 2.14 Quiz Identifying Four Types of Aesthetic Statements Points = 40 x Percent Score 2.15 Tutorial Identifying Moral Statements 20 points 2.16 Quiz Identifying Moral Statements Points = 40 x Percent Score At the End of Chapter 2 2.17 Tutorial Chapter 2 Concept Review 14 points ← Chapter 1: Critical Thinking: Developing an Effective Worldview Chapter 3: Understanding Questions →